MPF Start-up Accelerator

Bring us your Deep Tech Start-up!

Our MPF Start-up Accelerator offers start-ups that originate from Max Planck Institutes or are affiliated with Max Planck Institutes, e.g. via patents, licenses, or are founded by Max Planck alumni, a pre-seed financing of up to EUR 360k plus expenses for the accompanying accelerator program via a convertible loan.

Since September 2024, we have also been opening the Accelerator to DeepTech start-ups without affiliation to the Max Planck Society.

The MPF Start-up Accelerator GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Max Planck Foundation.

Our Offer

The accelerator program lasts up to 18 months (12 months for software start-ups w/o hardware or regulatory hurdles).

You will prepare in our accelerator for your first VC round, be matched with mentors, receive coaching, get access to a network of VCs and industry experts and participate in a curriculum customized to your needs. The curriculum covers topics like, e.g. marketing, market entry and go-to-market strategies, winning first customers, ramp-up of pilot series production, negotiating term sheets, etc.